Haibun: Smooth Paths

Walking towards Mirror Lake, just under the famous “Half Dome” rock, this dude on a skateboard came flowing down the hill, weaving back and forth holding a camera and a selfie stick. I hope his video captured the distain of those who had to move. Behind him came an entourage of 3-5 50’s style bikes with what seemed his fans or followers. I don’t know if this guy was important to a large audience or not, he was selfish to this audience of one.

But that path was paved and wide. He became the icon for me what was happening all around me, even in me. The easier the path, the more paved, the less I took in and the more apart from it all I became.

As the lake became closer, the trail moved into a rutted dirt path. No more pavement with lines and signs, just a trail name. Now the conversations became a little more hushed. No more kids playing tag and screaming, no more bad movie quotes, no more me wishing people would stop being so loud. Instead, off the trail, we had to be aware of the rocks and tree roots. And as I became more aware of that, I became more aware of that around me. There was Mirror Lake reflecting Half Dome.

I wonder if life in the suburbs is too easy and that’s why we all seemed so checked out? 

reflected half dome

in the waters shown kindly

with fall in the tones

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