Haibun: Underneath It All

Have you ever just stared at a cliff face and wondered how much more of the rock or cliff isn’t showing? Think about it, just because we see a massive amount doesn’t mean that that's all there is. I say think about it because I do it every time I stare, mouth open, at a massive rock wall.

There are other things that are beyond the surface as well. A comment or a glance could be the telling hint of something deeper. The off-handed comment could be a plea to explore more.

But do you or I really know? How do we really know how much rock or emotion lies behind what we are looking at? I don’t think I can, but I don’t think I should expect myself to be accountable for knowing. In fact, it’s freeing to not know and let it go.

Just because I’m expected to know something doesn’t mean I have to submit myself to it. I’ve spent many years thinking I was a failure because I didn’t keep up other’s expectations. I found freedom in letting it go.

So now I’m learning and relearning to hold the rock wall  and other loaded hints with an open hand, curious, but letting it drift away on its own with the mental open hand posture as a piece of paper might in the breeze. 

And the rock wall stays what it is, letting me know all that it shows me and nothing else.

underneath the sand
also above and there stands
rock showing summer

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