Haibun: Habits

 In his book, The Power of Habits, Charles Duhigg says there are three parts to a habit: the queue, the process, and the reward. The queue is what initiates it, what starts it. So for me, it might be getting in the car I get my phone out. The process is setting up the podcast. The reward is listening to infotainment. Queue, process, reward.

So when we think of our week or maybe our weekend, are you or I orienting around keeping up with others? Maybe we just want to relax and do nothing? But when we slow it all down, we find that it is what we usually do, isn’t it?

What if we disrupted it, what if we looked to explore as the process when the queue of thinking about our weekend arose? What would the reward look like? This is how we can each start to live more intentionally and do more of what we want. Life will still happen and drag us along with it, but we can maybe get out more this way.

Exploring, reflection, and telling are all habits.

green folds into gold
leaf and grass grow old, and brown
fall’s where summer’s sold

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