My Wish For Us in 2021
My wish for us going into 2021 is that the mistakes and missteps we made in 2020 are seen for what they are; but, that the acids in the stomach of fear and anxiety won’t keep us from trying again. As long as we have a working brain, we can learn a better way.
As Samuel Beckett once penned, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
It's hard to try again, and sometimes, we need to reconsider how we are restarting. In some cases though, it’s not a restart in “that” relationship, but a sincere apology, self-forgiveness and letting go of the shame, and moving on to new relationships. The restart is in knowing we can be loved. Or it’s realizing the customer doesn’t want this product, but learning how to listen to a customer to get them what they really want and make an income off of that. The retry is in listening more than predicting.
And yes, tomorrow is just another day, yet we traditionally come together to restart and to try again. Let’s grab hold of the brilliance of “New Years?” (It’s our miniature year of jubilee.) And let us do the hard part of letting go of enough shame to hold a little more hope, enough to go after it again!