Haibun: Liftless
This has been an amazing week! During my travels to Alaska I had time to reflect and to let my mind connect dots I couldn’t have done on my own with every day responsibilities. I looked at what was working and what wasn’t.
Now back, I attempted to address things that weren’t working. As life so often does, my first step to address things spun out of control and went into so many directions I didn’t anticipate. But I’m finding out that in life, when it goes in unexpected directions, I need to pay attention ride with it. As a result, things worked out better than I expected, way better, and it all happened so fast.
I keep returning to an idea I discovered in ancient eastern literature, the idea that to lift truly heavy things, let them lift themselves and gently guide it. At my last job I did this with some shelving I needed to move by myself. As long as I sat in the balance, when one side went down, the other went up, so it all moved itself with little strength needed from me. And as the miles rolled by through Alaska, I realized more of my power in the situation deep in my being. I sat with it and let it dissolve my fears of change and conflict. One by one, a fear dissolved and I relaxed with it. I then knew I was in a place to walk through doors to a better life. And when the situation above arose, I did more watching than lifting and it more or less moved itself. And so I am grateful.
spilled from heaven’s seams, clear gleam
pure autumn redeem