Haibun: Wild Horse
It's hard to describe the feeling of being drawn to something so wild and free.
I think that, as humans, we each have a deep-seated need to be around wild animals. I know I do.
Maybe it's because we have so many domestic animals around us that we're used to being in their presence—but there's something about wild animals that draws me at a soul level. They have this amazing capability for living in the moment, which is something we humans can struggle with, something we can learn from.
My niece experienced a wild horse approach her. For her to find a wild horse and feel like one was curious about her is exciting! I’m sure for her it felt like she was sharing something special with the one that walked towards her: an animal that has spent its entire life living off its instincts, and yet here she was, able to see that horse as if for the first time.
closer came the horse
curious of course, and still
summer’s heat in force