Haibun: No Escape

We sat over pho and she looked down as I asked how it was going with her boyfriend. “Not fun,” was her response. It was so promising, he seemed attentive to her, adventurous, all the things of a great dating profile, even better he was her work crush. Later that night, she broke it off completely. He kept trying to call her. She blocked him. Then it became angry emails that, if I understood correctly, went in all different directions and would end in a plea for her to come back.

What was once the perfect gaze, soon became intense, too much to handle. The sun can be like this in the desert. This week, it went further and further into the 90’s, no shade or clouds to cool it down. Almost as if the summer had sent an angry email, out of place, drifting, but it found us. No escape.

the sun unhindered
leaving as cinder what’s out.
spring grows the tinder

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