Haibun: Trolls and Such

The most active community for & Haiku may be Twitter, especially when it comes to random comments. Though a few trolls have shown up on Instagram, Twitter is unmatched. Recently, someone showed up to point out what they thought was a mistake. It's all good.

But this little exchange made me think about trolling the next day. To me, to troll is often time like gossip. When a troll shows up, or when a gossip shows up, they are there to take from instead of give towards. To create and to put something out there is to give something new. But if I were to gossip or to troll, my job is to use information or perception to take down or to take away.

While it seems beneficial at the time to troll someone to maybe get some likes or follows, or to gossip about someone to take them down and lift myself up in the process, there is something deeper and darker happening for the troll and the gossip. If I troll or gossip, I implicitly say to myself, say to that place where my confidence rests, that place in my heart, I can’t create or  I can’t achieve that status so I will take instead of make. In the end, trolling and gossip erode confidence instead of creating new worlds.

river valley green
against the brown scenes, water
makes fall from unseen

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