Haibun: Habits
This coming week the forecast is slated to be at least 115 degrees for a four-day stretch. That tends to be the temperatures of July and August, but now they show up in June. We are only going to get warmer as a planet in the near future.
I used a paper plate today, not because I thought it was the best move, but because it was what was available. I know that the paper plate will end up in a landfill and all sorts of things from the earth will be burned in the transporting of the next paper plate as to ensure it is readily available the next time I eat.
I’m sure I will do other things that will help warm the earth besides use a paper plate as I type away on this laptop. I have already gravitated towards these miles of pavement and heat and order, to these places that hold more heat and burn more energy to stay cool in this house. But everything I do is what I am supposed to do and what the design of a normal life pushes me to do.
I’m not helpless in making a positive impact against the planets warming, I’m just outnumbered and fighting against the way things are ordered to be.
somehow rocks acquire, admire
heat of summer’s ire