Haibun: Bendable

Have you ever watched a petal dance on the breeze, so free, bending and then going back into position only after the breeze went to visit other flowers? So free, free enough to bend.

I often find myself rigid when asked to bend. I have my dreams, my desires, things I’m working for. I don’t want to be bothered but want to get back to what I was doing. 

But to be like the petals in the breeze, so light. When I watch them, I become happy and filled with a sense of joy. Just like many of you, there’s play in those flowers, there’s fun, there’s life. The rigid branch will break under foot further up the path.

And maybe I become the same when I bend a little and go back to where I was, without a word, after the breeze has gone to visit others.

petals light in breeze

so orange won’t seize. dance on!

spring has poise and ease 

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