Haibun: Known and Trusted
I’ll never compliment him on his Armani t-shirt, he is constantly trying to be something that he’s not. So, every chance he gets, he tries to borrow and drive a better car than his own. His paycheck won’t ever let him move past his one Armani t-shirt, yet he feels the need to represent himself as something he really isn’t. Is it any wonder he isn’t a person to be trusted?
On the opposite end of the spectrum is the cactus shown with the haiku, a cactus stripped of all pretensions and a force that is a constant through two centuries of change. Despite all that the desert can bring against this cactus, it still stands at the center of all the life around it. Is it any wonder that this cactus is trusted by so many different species of life?
And so, the cactus may not cognitively know who it is, but in the truest sense, it acts, completely, as if it knows who it is.
countless bird landings, millions
cactus in spring repeats