Haibun: Exposed Roots
Apparently, the root system of cacti are thick and they run deep. This explains how they weather one of the harshest summer suns the earth has ever known. Yet, they also hold their own when the dry cold slices everything else bone deep on a “desert cold” January night.
I admire the strength and consistency of the saguaro.
I wonder: When my roots are exposed, how deep am I?
Roots exposed, If I slip up and say the wrong thing to someone I love dearly, does our relationship survive? My roots go as deep as the showing up and seeing them, not impressing them. My roots are the depth of being vulnerable to them and that person with me.
Roots exposed, do I have the energy to show up and make my life count when something new is exposed? Or does the story I tell myself around exercise keep me close to a cup of coffee?
Roots exposed, am I grounded in confidence through preparation? Showing up day after day is my path to building the work habits I need to look my prospect in the eye, my dependent in the soul, and communicate my soul back saying, “I’ve got this.”
My roots go as deep as the honest stories I tell myself, as deep as my heart. If I were to pretend or over promise that my roots were deeper than they actually are, when a strong sand storm comes I would be dead on my side. There’s no surviving that.
So, instead of making false images of size and strength, I am wisest to be present and honest with myself and those I can easily reply back with, “I love you too.”
many roots revealed
cactus strength, unveiled: rooted.
fall moves underground