Imagine Justice

Just imagine if you will, what could be produced when a person harmonizes their creativity with love. Imagine what could be produced. Imagine the justice that would be synthesized. It may not end up popular, but it could be powerful in so many ways. Imagine if book of Amos was known like HBO. Imagine if justice did flow like water, were oppression dried up because the oppressed found "that freedom within."
 ...where greatness was measured in giving instead of accumulations?
 ...where insecurity was not so dominating and we learned ways to stay ahead of it?
 ...(where I learned to stay ahead of the insecurities my own life.)

Just imagine.

Imagine if the day of Yahweh, talked about by Isaiah, could be initiated by human hand and the hills and mountains and valleys were made flat and all could come to that source of Love.
  ...and any disability or infirmity that we ignore a person for would be learned from.
  ...and where the poor are no longer poor in the way that gives food, drink, and health to those that have and social entitlements those that aspire to have.
  ...and the weak are teaching the strong with the wisdom that comes from pushing through despite the greatest weaknesses.
  ...and where the sick are cared for and given space to be heard and to rest.
  ...and where people have a conscience choice if they want to be a victim or a forgiver.
  ...and where the words of Christ are viewed with the prophetic backdrop they were spoken on instead of the pile of shit they are now marketed as.
 Just imagine if Dr King and Gandhi were paupers in a world where justice was wealth?

Serously, just imagine because a day of internal justice that transforms the world is awaiting. It all depends on our ability to forgive and to continue to forgive. With forgiveness, life is brought to where death was. And through forgiveness, and only forgiveness, can we find this new world of deep and total justice.

What's forgiveness look like to you? 

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